Power Line Safety Act

Louisiana Overhead Power Line Safety Act (LRS 45: 141-146)

To further promote worker and public safety, the Louisiana legislature has adopted several regulations to be followed by those who work near overhead power lines.

Please notify LUS that you intend to work within ten feet of a high voltage electric utility line, call 337-291-5700.


• Louisiana law (LRS 45: 142) prohibits unauthorized persons from working, including moving equipment, within ten feet of any high voltage overhead electric utility line.

• If any unauthorized person intends to work within ten feet of any high voltage overhead electric utility line, the person responsible for the work to be done must notify the owner or operator of the high voltage overhead electric utility line not less than 48 hours prior to commencing work. (LRS 45: 143)

• Work shall be performed only after satisfactory mutual arrangements have been completed between the owner or operator of the high voltage overhead electric utility line and the person responsible for the work to be done. (LRS 45: 143)
